In dart frog Facebook Groups, forums, and other places people use the following shorthand to tell others what the genders of the frogs are.
The following are examples of posts that people have used the shorthand in.

The numbers are referring to the sex of the frog. Usually the numbers are written in groups of three. Undetermined can also be juvenile and too young to determine the sex of the frog. If there are only two numbers they are still written in the order of male.female.

In this example the poster is asking the group if the frogs that are in the picture are 1 male and 2 females. The next part is they are 12 months out of the water (oow). It is often easier to determine the sex of dart frogs once they are about a year old.

The poster on this example is looking for recommendations of species that they can keep a large group of dart frogs in. They would like to keep 3 males and 2 females in the same tank.

This is a post where there are 0 males, 0 females and 4 juveniles/undetermined in the same habitat.