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Rhizomatous Begonia 'soli-mutata'
  • Species:  Rhizomatous Begonia 'soli-mutata'

    Native to: Brazil

    Temperature preferences: 65 to 80 degrees F, High humidity

    Water preferences:  Moderate, even moisture

    Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial

    General Information and Care:  Rhizomatous Begonias have thick, fleshy roots.  They are grown for their leaves rather than flowers. These begonia leaves have a fuzzy texture to them.  They will produce small white flowers when they bloom.

    To establish a cutting, simply put the stem in moist substrate with a layer of sphagnum around it, then firm the mix around the stem so that it stands up


    Shipped Size: Tip cutting with at least 7 leaves and established roots.

    Rhizomatous Begonia 'soli-mutata'


      • Leaves have a fuzzy texture
      •  Fast growing and spreading
      • White flowers
      • Deep green
      • Terrestrial 
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